
Noveltease Theatre’s mission is to create community through storytelling by reviving the historical artform of literary burlesque. We stage unique adaptations of classic works of theatre and literature in order to reclaim and rework the canon from a sex-positive, queer, feminist, and anti-racist standpoint that enlivens and transforms classic works for contemporary audiences.


We envision a world that celebrates the beauty of the written word and the grace of bodies in motion. Through fanciful adaptations of classic literature that infuse text with dance, we hope to create a space in which everyone can see themselves represented in classic literature


  • We believe in a creative community that not only draws upon but is made stronger by the individual talents of trusted collaborators. This is what being an artistic company means to us, and we approach all of our projects with our Company members in mind.

  • Our work adopts sex-positive, queer, feminist, and anti-racist standpoints in our approaches to adapting and staging classic literature.

  • We believe that racebending, genderbending, and queering canonical characters can produce new and generative understandings of classic texts.

  • We condemn whitewashing and employ color-conscious casting practices.

  • We value consent in our rehearsal rooms and performance spaces.

  • We believe all bodies are dancer’s bodies.