stage review: sleeping beauty and the bear prince (noveltease)
“ … a show like this illustrates what is so wonderful about this area. All around Seattle, on every street, in every square inch, there are artists creating work that is unique, challenging, and ground breaking. Making sure that the public has access to choose and take in every one of these art forms in every genre should be the goal that we all chase. A company like Noveltease is doing original and unique work, and it deserves to be seen.”
Greg Heilman, The Sound On Stage
April 5, 2024
seattle’s noveltease theatre combines burlesque and literature
‘“We are interested in creating, first and foremost, works of theater. We are using striptease as a vocabulary for storytelling,” said Jack, drawing a comparison to musical theater — only instead of breaking into song, performers with Noveltease burst into burlesque at moments of high emotion or when dialogue will not serve.’
Gemma Alexander, The Seattle Times
October 4, 2023
“In fact, encouraging people to explore new literature is what they're hoping to do. Because while the troupe might dance, disrobe and get disorderly, they're readers at heart. And they want you to be, too.”
Ellen Meny, King 5 Evening
October 26, 2021
Noveltease Theatre takes The Odyssey from the page to the screen
“… the local, literary burlesque company Noveltease Theatre found a new way to bring their next performance to audiences: make a film instead of a stage production. Known for taking books from the page to the stage, here they are taking Homer’s The Odyssey from page to screen. … It is almost certainly the sexiest adaptation of The Odyssey in the poem’s 2,800 year history. It’s innovating and the results are stunning.”
Chris Burlingame, The Sunbreak
May 21, 2021
“How a ‘Literate and Literary Stripper’ is adapting classic fiction for the burlesque stage”
“…burlesque, which is ‘a vocabulary of revealing things,’ is ‘a great pairing with literature.’ Just as literary critics and authors who adapt books to other arts have to unravel the deeper meaning of a text, Noveltease’s dancers are metaphorically revealing a truth in these stories by revealing more of themselves onstage.”
Paul Constant, Seattle Review of Books
March 20, 2019
New burlesque company Noveltease brings the classics to life and to the stage — starting with Baron Munchausen
“When people are reading, they’re kind of envisioning themselves as the protagonist, in a lot of cases,” the burlesque producer and choreographer Fosse Jack tells me. “They’re putting themselves in the protagonist’s shoes in order to really experience the adventure, and that’s what we’re doing with the Baron (Munchausen). There’s this idea that people read adventure stories because they want to go on that adventure with this person.”
Chris Burlingame, Journal of Precipitation
April 11, 2019
A Streetcar Named Striptease rides through The Tennessee Tease
“Tennessee Tease is aiming for something more ambitious than your typical burlesque revue. And there’s no denying that the tensions and passions threaded throughout Williams’ writing and private life will provide ample fodder.”
Tony Kay, The Sunbreak
August 13, 2015
“This is the perfect sexy event for pretending to understand books while being satiated with stripping to fancy dialogue.”