Company Member

Known as The Tinseled Tart, Polly began her ecdysiast adventures in 2006 after graduating from Miss Indigo Blue’s Academy of Burlesque. From snowsuits to nocturnal animals, from barbecue sauce to Irish Dancing, Polly Wood excels in blending classic bump’n’grind with campy charm. Her extensive striptease resume includes being a cast member in Land of the Sweets, Through the Looking Glass: The Burlesque Alice in Wonderland, House of Thee UnHoly, and SHINE: The Burlesque Musical, among others. She was a core member of Sinner Saint Burlesque, and a founding chapter member of Naked Girls Reading. As an actor, Polly played Laura in the West Coast premiere of The Beebo Brinker Chronicles (ACT Theatre), and was a member of The Barrow Group’s Theatre Acting Apprentice Company in New York from 2015-2016.

Her favorite writer is Madeleine L’Engle, and she plans to reread the Wrinkle in Time books every few years until she can’t physically read anymore.

Photos, Top Row, L to R: Meneldor Photography, Yabisira Wolde, Max Shaw
Photos, Bottom Row, L to R: POC Photo, Meneldor Photography