Company Member

Ramona Rhapsody, a xicana burlesque beauty, has titillated audiences for over 9 years! Making her home in the beloved Emerald City and known for her busty antics, her bodacious figure has amazed audiences from coast to coast. Whether it's nerdlesque, neo-burlesque, or a sultry classic, Ramona puts her own personal spin on every aspect the art. This Azteca goddess is sure to hypnotize and mesmerize you... right before she eats your heart out! You'll find that she's deadly delicious.

Ramona’s literary tastes run the gamut from romance to fantasy. She couldn’t choose just one favorite novel, loving Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks, and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger equally.

Photos, Top Row, L to R: Colin Madison, Yabisira Wolde, Colin Madison
Photos, Bottom Row, L to R: Colin Madison, Colin Madison